An Afternoon at Willits Kids Club

PUBLISHED: March 18, 2015

Kids scrambled across the playground, from the spinning roundabout to the Lunar Blast, a tall, red rope pyramid, to slides they sped down. The new playground equipment was opened and ready to play at Willits Kids Club (WKC) last fall, and has been seemingly well-used since.

In March 2014, the WKC board of directors awarded the contract for Discovery Park and Playground, behind Blosser Lane Elementary School, to Willits’s-own Mendocino Construction Services. WKC is a 501©(3) non-profit that serves the children of Willits at Brookside Elementary School, Blosser Lane Elementary School and Baechtel Grove Middle School.

Kris Wagner, Executive Director of WKC, said the park was designed to be a “natural playground”, utilizing natural features like hills and slopes that they’ve added to; over 50 trees have been planted since. More recently, new climbing handholds have been added to a small log cabin in the park, a musical instrument built by Willits High School students was installed, and a chalkboard was put up, near the two-feet deep sandbox.

The playground was mostly made possible by a grant from State of California Park and Recreation Proposition 84 program. The proposition passed in 2006, The Kids Club applied for the grant in 2010. While watching the kids run around her in the park, Wagner said it was amazing it was built so quick — less than 80 days.

In additon to the larger construction elements, students put up a batting cage, made planter boxes and other additions; community members and businesses donated time, materials and money (like Sparetime Supply, which donated a greenhouse), all of which contributed to help make the park a reality.

Walking around the park, Blosser Lane and Baechtel Grove, Wagner spoke about WKC’s recent history and current operations.

WKC is free, with a suggested donation, but Wagner said kids are never turned away. WKC is finalizing plans for its annual annual summer program, which is one of the biggest in Willits. The summer camp will operate most week days from June 15 to Aug. 14 from 7:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. There are half day and full day options. Contact Diane Heath at 841-8012 or Tina Stanley at 841-8013 for details.

WKC has its roots when a group of Willits parents and teachers met on Oct. 28, 1999, after the Columbine High School shooting. The group discussed how youth violence might be prevented, and more recreational opportunities could be provided in Willits. The Willits Boys and Girls Club was soon born, which was later renamed to WKC.