Willits Kids Club Fundraiser

PUBLISHED: December 18, 2015

The Willits Kids Club (WKC) is still fundraising after relocating two portable classrooms this summer, with about $15,000 raised of their $32,000 goal. While the portables are in place, funds are still needed for finishing touches and chairs, walkway bricks and other essentials.
The “Room to Grow” fundraiser is part of a larger expansion so Brookside and Blosser Lane elementary students of the after-school program will be on the same campus. WKC originally rented three Willits Unified School District (WUSD) classrooms for the space before.
Kids have played a large role in the transition, whether cleaning walls, laying carpet tiles, helping level gravel and more with staff. They will also get to play a part in designing the rooms, WKC Director Kris Wagner said. The portables include sinks, heating and other essentials.
WKC also held a ‘mad science’ festival in October, featuring a range of activities including an apple press; “franken worms” (which use baking soda and vinegar to make gummy worms dance); zombie face-painting and more.
Students have also made signs for new tree cages, listing the type and name of each tree. Wagnernoted community member Richard Jergensen’s visits with his Grid Beam building system, which she said kids of all ages loved and they planned to buy a few sets of.
WKC is a non-profit organization that provides an after-school program to many children of Willits. Tax-deductible donations can be made at willitskidsclub.org or by calling (707) 459-9201.